The Benefits of Montessori

The benefits of Montessori education is aptly summarized in the research paper “Optimal Development Outcomes:  The Social, Moral, Cognitive, and Emotional Dimensions of a Montessori Education” by Annette Haines, Kay Baker and David Kahn. 

Social Development

 Self discipline

 Increased independence derived from new skills and competencies

 Knowledge of appropriate and prosocial behaviors

 Patience and the ability to share

 Respect for others

 A willingness to abide by rules to create social order

 Desire to serve society and humanity

Moral Development

 Perseverance, good work habits

 Ability to choose



 Mental balance

 Sublimation of the possessive instinct

 Care and respect for the environment and for others

 Willingness to abide by rules to create social order

 Development of morality

 Understanding of the connection between one’s actions and the needs of others

Cognitive Development

 Clarification and classification of impressions absorbed

 Increase in knowledge and vocabulary

 Refinement of sense perception and discrimination

 Logical / linear thinking

 New skills and competencies

 Sustained interest

 Augmentation of the intellect

 Language and mathematics

 Total development of the child

Emotional Development

 Pleasure in purposeful activity

 Serenity, calmness, satisfaction, emotional equilibrium

 Happiness, joy

 An anxious concern for life

 Love for people and things

 Emotional wellness

 Warm, expressive, outgoing and optimistic personalities

Sources: The NAMTA Journal 25:2, Spring, 2000; The NAMTA Journal 26:1, Winter, 2001; The NAMTA Journal 28:1, Winter 2003.