Dress Code

Students are expected to wear the prescribed dress every school day except on designated special dress days. The dress code is in effect during the school day from 8:00 A.M. to 4:00 P.M. with the exception of sports or performing arts activities (include ballet and dance) or with special permission.


All articles of clothing must be purchased at MABIS, fit properly, be clean, and properly pressed with no holes, tears, frayed areas or patches.


Hair should be styled neatly so as neither to disrupt or distract from the instructional setting.  Hairstyles or color on both boys and girls that create a distraction shall not be allowed. The administration shall determine if the haircut or color is distracting.


Must be MABIS uniform for girls. 

Girls may wear tights underneath their dress.


Must be MABIS uniform for boys. 


Footwear should be appropriate for school.  It should not endanger the safety of students.  Sneakers, street shoes or leather sandals are permitted. Slippers are not permitted. Footwear must be laced where appropriate and must be free of holes, rips or inappropriate markings. Footwear should not be elevated (no heels).


Permitted accessories include only the following:
 belt of appropriate width encircling the waist once, necklace that is not distracting or noisy, a watch (for Elementary students only).

Other fashion jewelry is not allowed to be worn at school.


Students must wear P.E. uniform to school on P.E. days.  Socks are required with running shoes or athletic footwear suitable to the activity.  No jewelry is to be worn.


A hat must be worn outside of the classroom in PE classes, outdoor activities, or recess. Hats may not be worn inside the building.  MABIS hat is available for purchase.


The student dress regulations shall apply throughout the school year except on days designated by the Principal as special dress days such as International Day or other Cultural Celebration days.

Violation of Dress and Appearance Regulations

All faculty and staff members are responsible for the administration of dress regulations. Questionable situations will be referred to the school administrators.

A student whose dress does not conform to the school code will be referred by his/her teacher to the Principal or Vice-Principal who will note the violation on the student's disciplinary record. When a violation occurs, the student's parents/guardian will be contacted and advised of the need to modify the student's attire.   The school may also issue a set of uniforms for the student and invoice parents accordingly.