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About Us

After working with great fashion designers and cutters, somewhere and somehow we landed up in the community of quilters and crafters. Already designing and printing different designs for the fashion world, some of our designs looked better on a table or bed rather than a young model. Hence the start of our Jelly Rolls and Fat Quarter lines, a new chapter that has brought us here.

Our family has been in the rag trade for over half a century now and as time changes so do we. Our first few products were quite interesting and like any startup, rough. Time and experience has taught us well, thus has brought us to this point where we can launch a website and sell to the world. We are very excited to be a part of the quilter’s world.

Our team is forever researching into the fashion world and quilter’s world. We specialize in cottons from all over the world and furthermore into the printing and designing on these cottons. In the near future we intend to educate our users on the different methods that are out there. As for now please feel free to look at our collection, please comment, share and post your experience with us as well.