Wishful Thinking


The main reason I write these blogs is to encourage others and entertain. To be straightforward, I never follow through what I preach to others. For sometime now, I have lost myself. I lost myself because I gave too much too others and didn’t give anything to myself in return.


I am about to reach age thirty and what I know about myself is a complete haze. I sit here and wonder what the fuck I did wrong. I wish it would all become clear to me, but as you all know, wishing gets you nowhere. I suppose it is time I follow what I advise others to do.


It is time to inspire myself. It is time to recognize that happiness comes from within myself rather than relying on others. I keep asking myself when I will be ready. Today? Tomorrow? Yesterday? I have no idea. No one ever knows when he or she is ready. The best time I can think of is now. It is time to stop the wishful thinking and get to doing. 


By xmscandyx

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